
新能源采编储能 2024-07-17 09:43:05 273阅读 举报

  网讯:近日,海辰储能与土耳其可再生能源领域工程公司Kontek Energy的全资子公司Maxxen,在土耳其伊斯坦布尔宣布达成战略合作协议,Maxxen公司将作为海辰储能在土耳其的独家战略伙伴,共同提升双方在本地及国际市场的竞争力。

  根据协议,双方就电池储能系统和海辰储能授权模式“Powered by HiTHIUM”在土耳其的使用达成独家战略合作,该项合作将为本地乃至亚欧市场创造更可持续的能源系统,助推土耳其在储能领域的发展。




  谈到与海辰储能合作时,Maxxen & Kontek Energy首席执行官Tolga MuratÖzdemir表示:“海辰储能专注储能领域,是全球领先的电池储能系统制造商之一。我们相信,与海辰储能合作将有助于创造协同效应,扩大两家公司在该地区的业务,其不仅可以更贴近项目,以更短的交付周期和更好的售后服务,提供卓越的质量;同时,利用Maxxen 在数字解决方案方面的能力,也将有助于为相关市场开发出衍生增值的完整解决方案。”

  海辰储能中东地区总经理和战略市场总监孙明煌表示:“我们非常重视土耳其市场及其在能源领域的增长潜力,能与 Maxxen 合作为土耳其的能源转型做出贡献,我们感到非常高兴。同时通过这种纽带关系将增强我们的市场竞争力,共同致力于满足对经济、可靠和灵活的储能解决方案的需求。”


  此次海辰储能与Maxxen 达成合作,如同在两地架起了一座能源桥梁,为向更清洁的未来迈出了重要一步。未来,双方将携手共同努力,在可持续能源领域进行突破性创新,致力于通过加快电池储能技术向更广泛的大众普及,为全球能源转型做出贡献。

  HiTHIUM and Maxxen, a 100 percent subsidiary of Kontek Energy, which has 30 years of energy industry experience have announced their exclusive strategic partnership at the Türkiye launch of this cooperation in Istanbul, Türkiye.

  HiTHIUM and Maxxen have joined forces in an exclusive strategic partnership agreement in the field of energy storage for the battery energy storage system and trademark rights of HiTHIUM. This will result in the creation of more sustainable energy systems globally and locally.

  As HiTHIUM GM of the Middle East region and Head of Global Delivery Centre Sean Sun commented: "It's very promising to cooperate with Maxxen to contribute to energy transition with both partiesin Türkiye. This bonding relationship will enhance our market competitiveness and together dedicate to the needs of affordable, reliable, and flexible energy storage solutions."

  This partnership between HiTHIUM and Maxxen represents an important step towards a cleaner future. The objective is to play a key role in making a difference in the energy storage sector by establishing a battery energy storage systems production facility in Türkiye. In furtherance of the agreement, the two companies have agreed that they will endeavor to develop groundbreaking innovations in sustainable energy. HiTHIUM and Maxxen are committed to contributing to the worldwide energy transition by accelerating the spread of battery energy storage technologies to wider audiences.

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